Okay so this a quick account of the day...
7:30 am Michael and I woke up early and decided going back to sleep sounded good to both of us. He was out town this weekend and didn't get hardly any sleep. And I don't sleep well without him so I didn't either. So sleep sounded wonderful.
11 am We finally woke up. And Michael went to make call backs from messages he had after being out of town.
12 noon We had brunch. I had been craving oatmeal/apple pancakes while he was gone and he thought they sounded good too and so we made those together. I am horrible at flipping so I mix the pancakes up and Michael mans the griddle. While eating, we watched the next episode of West Wing (we started season 3 last week).
1 pm After we ate, we did kind of a weekly meeting to discuss where business is at and what we need to do with this current client.
1:20pm We started working.
1:30pm I heard a LOUD horrible crash and Michael obviously in pain....his knee went out/dislocated. He got his knee back in place but he couldn't move from the floor for about 30 minutes. This has happened to him before but it was before he and I were together.
2 pm After I got him to the couch and set up, he needed crutches. So he called around while I took a shower knowing I was going to have to go out and get them.
2:45 pm I was getting in the car to go get crutches.
3:15pm Leaving the medical supply store with crutches in hand.
3:30pm home again
4 pm after getting a new ice pack and some ibuprofen, I am now sitting down to do work.
It has been a hell of a day.
He is okay. Not great but he is much better then he was when he fell. It doesn't look too swollen to me so that is good and I hope it stays that way. He was able to use the crutches to get to the bathroom and the pain was much less then it was right after it went out but I can tell it is still bad. But I am grateful it is better then it was right when he fell. So right now he is sitting on the couch with laptop doing work and watching the Bronco's game I dvr'd for him last night.
I was really really scared because I have never seen him in that much pain even after he had surgery that first year I was here. I almost just went and called 911 so voiced that outloud wondering if I should call 911 - he said no that it wasn't needed. As I said he seems a lot better at the moment so I am very grateful. But poor Michael! I hope that his heals quickly!