Our airshow was this past weekend.. Wow!! A little history first.....

About 4-5 years ago, I was minding my own business, when all of a sudden a low flying plane rocked the heck out of the house.. Caesar and I jumped up to figure out what had happened.. When I was able to figure out that it was the Blue Angels flying overhead, I quickly snatched my camera and out the door I went..
As I took the pictures from outside the house, I was soooooo very disappointed that

my lens simply did not get up close and personal the way I would've liked.. So I went on a mission and bought me a big ol' zoom lens that didn't set me back and arm and a leg.. Bound and determined, I was going to wait as long as it took so that I could get the pictures I wanted..
Each and every single time the airshow had been back since, I was either out of town, or at our conference.. I became distraught.. Watched several motivational videos and ate yogurt for comfort (ok, I'm exaggerating...) Except for the fact that it's taken me 4 YEARS to have my next shot at catching these guys in the air again..
Yesterday - after 4 years of waiting, the opportunity came .... and I took advantage of it!!

In a span of two days, I took over 500 images of these and other planes and I had a ball both days!! So despite almost dehydrating, catching a wicked sunburn on half my body, and feeling as though I've been hit with a boat paddle, I can say that I FINALLY got the pictures I've been waiting for - for the last 4 years.........